


PE 167+初级柔道:1学分.

An introduction to 柔道 including the techniques of throws, holdings, lockings, and pinnings. 哲学和文化方面的运动柔道也包括在内.

PE 168+中级柔道:1学分.

An intermediate course in Sport 柔道 covering intermediate skills and strategies.


PE 180+开始合气道- 1学分.

Course is designed to introduce the fundamental dynamics of 合气道 principle. 它包含了身体动力学的基本技能, 身体动作, 安全着陆, 防守模式练习, 以及对合气道作为一种古典艺术形式的全面理解. Course provide comprehensive information on the philosophical and aesthetic aspects of 合气道.

PE 184+中级合气道- 1学分.

Course is designed to introduce the intermediate level of 合气道 dynamics. 它包含了身体动力学的基本技能, 身体动作, 安全着陆, 中级水平的防守模式训练, 以及对合气道作为一种古典艺术形式的全面理解. 前提条件:PE 180+.

PE 185+高级合气道- 1学分.

Course is designed to introduce the advanced level of 合气道 dynamics. 它包含了身体动力学高级技能的训练, 身体动作, 防守模式练习, and overall understanding of 合气道 theory and application as a classical art form. 前提条件:PE 184+.

PE 195+先进合气道理论- 1学分.

This course is designed to provide the theoretical framework of 合气道 that embodies the mental and physical dynamics of the martial arts discipline of 合气道. 前提条件:PE 180+, PE 184+, PE 185+ or equivalent proficiency level.


PE 186+初级空手道- 1学分.

This course is designed to give the traditional 空手道 training ('Art of Empty Hand') to the beginning student. It emphasizes the traditional mode of training with mental and physical discipline. Formal Kata, defensive skills, punches, kicks, and blocking techniques are introduced.

PE 187+中级空手道- 1学分.

This course is designed to give the student further instruction and practice in traditional 空手道. 前提条件:PE 186+.

PE 190+高级空手道- 1学分.

This course is designed to introduce further instruction and practice in traditional martial art aspects of 空手道-doh. Philosophical understanding and high level of skill proficiency are emphasized. 前提条件:PE 187+.

PE 197+高级空手道理论- 1学分.

This course is designed to provide the theoretical framework of 空手道do that embodies the higher principle of physical and mental dynamics and aims to achieve the advanced skills in 空手道do. 前提条件:PE 186+, PE 187+, PE 190+ and/or equivalent proficiency level.


PE 188+初级自卫- 1点点数.

The student is introduced to the various practical skills and methods of self-defense. 柔道, 合气道, Jujutsu, and 空手道 are combined to explore the most effective means to defend oneself.

p189 +中级自卫- 1学分.

This course is designed to give the student further instruction and practice in the various practical skills and methods of self-defense. 前提条件:PE 188+.

PE 198+中级自卫- 1学分.

This course is designed to provide the intermediate level of self-defense skills beyond the basic skill. The course stresses both the application of basic techniques and proper physical and mental discipline. 先决条件:PE 188+或同等技能.


PE 167+初级柔道:1学分.

An introduction to 柔道 including the techniques of throws, holdings, lockings, and pinnings. 哲学和文化方面的运动柔道也包括在内.

PE 168+中级柔道:1学分.

An intermediate course in Sport 柔道 covering intermediate skills and strategies.


PE 180+开始合气道- 1学分.

Course is designed to introduce the fundamental dynamics of 合气道 principle. 它包含了身体动力学的基本技能, 身体动作, 安全着陆, 防守模式练习, 以及对合气道作为一种古典艺术形式的全面理解. Course provide comprehensive information on the philosophical and aesthetic aspects of 合气道.

PE 184+中级合气道- 1学分.

Course is designed to introduce the intermediate level of 合气道 dynamics. 它包含了身体动力学的基本技能, 身体动作, 安全着陆, 中级水平的防守模式训练, 以及对合气道作为一种古典艺术形式的全面理解. 前提条件:PE 180+.

PE 185+高级合气道- 1学分.

Course is designed to introduce the advanced level of 合气道 dynamics. 它包含了身体动力学高级技能的训练, 身体动作, 防守模式练习, and overall understanding of 合气道 theory and application as a classical art form. 前提条件:PE 184+.

PE 195+先进合气道理论- 1学分.

This course is designed to provide the theoretical framework of 合气道 that embodies the mental and physical dynamics of the martial arts discipline of 合气道. 前提条件:PE 180+, PE 184+, PE 185+ or equivalent proficiency level.


PE 186+初级空手道- 1学分.

This course is designed to give the traditional 空手道 training ('Art of Empty Hand') to the beginning student. It emphasizes the traditional mode of training with mental and physical discipline. Formal Kata, defensive skills, punches, kicks, and blocking techniques are introduced.

PE 187+中级空手道- 1学分.

This course is designed to give the student further instruction and practice in traditional 空手道. 前提条件:PE 186+.

PE 190+高级空手道- 1学分.

This course is designed to introduce further instruction and practice in traditional martial art aspects of 空手道-doh. Philosophical understanding and high level of skill proficiency are emphasized. 前提条件:PE 187+.

PE 197+高级空手道理论- 1学分.

This course is designed to provide the theoretical framework of 空手道do that embodies the higher principle of physical and mental dynamics and aims to achieve the advanced skills in 空手道do. 前提条件:PE 186+, PE 187+, PE 190+ and/or equivalent proficiency level.


PE 188+初级自卫- 1点点数.

The student is introduced to the various practical skills and methods of self-defense. 柔道, 合气道, Jujutsu, and 空手道 are combined to explore the most effective means to defend oneself.

p189 +中级自卫- 1学分.

This course is designed to give the student further instruction and practice in the various practical skills and methods of self-defense. 前提条件:PE 188+.

PE 198+中级自卫- 1学分.

This course is designed to provide the intermediate level of self-defense skills beyond the basic skill. The course stresses both the application of basic techniques and proper physical and mental discipline. 先决条件:PE 188+或同等技能.



PE 102+开始游泳- 1学分.

Development of the basic water safety skills and knowledge to make one reasonably safe in the water.

PE 103+中级游泳- 1学分.

Continued Development of water safety skills and knowledge to make one reasonably safe in the water. 包括所有泳姿和跳水的指导. 前提条件:在深水中必须舒适.

PE 112+瑜伽:1-2学分.

The 1-credit option of this course focuses on yoga postures and breathing exercises. The 2-credit option provides a foundation for the understanding and practice of Hatha yoga in its complete form. Courses cover yoga postures, breathing exercises, philosophy, and meditation.


PE 117+无障碍健身和健康:1-2学分.

专为自认为有社交能力的学生设计, 认知, 情感, 心理, or physical limitations who would benefit from a small group and/or individualized fitness/nutritional training program. Students will learn the basic principles about cardiovascular/aerobic training and resistance/weight training to increase flexibility, 平衡和整体健康. 在完成, 学生应该能够计划和实施一个个人, 根据个人需要制定终身健身计划, 能力, 目标和兴趣. Course will also include classes on nutrition to increase overall wellness.


PE 118+重量训练:1学分.

Designed to allow students an individualized weight training program. 该计划将包括使用自由重量, 通用, and other appropriate tools for the variety of weight training differences.


This course addresses the basic principles of progressive weight training. Objectives of the course include knowledge of various weight-training systems, 正确使用重量训练器材, 以及有效的记录来监控个人的进步.

PE 134+开始高尔夫:1学分.

The fundamentals of golf, stance, grip, swing, rules, and etiquette are presented. 可使用练习场及高尔夫球场. 学生支付所有费用.


Continue the fundamentals of golf, stance, grip, swing, rules, and etiquette. 可使用练习场及高尔夫球场. 学生支付所有费用.

体育课174+有氧运动I: 1-2学分.

This course is designed to introduce the student to a complete physical fitness program that strengthens the heart and lungs, 锻炼肌肉. 学生参加各种类型的有氧运动,如, 走, 参考, 踏板操, 权重, 普拉提, 尊巴. Students will also become familiar with a wide range of exercise equipment and their uses.

PE 175+尊巴舞:1学分.

尊巴是受拉丁语启发的, dance-fitness class that incorporates Latin and 国际 music with dance movements. It is a high calorie-burning fitness class that features fast and slow rhythms. 学生将参加教练指导的日常活动. This class will include discussion of 尊巴's history and basic four rhythms. 不需要舞蹈经验.

PE 176+普拉提:1学分.

Students will understand the basic principles of 普拉提 and will be able to demonstrate the ability of performing beginning and intermediate 普拉提 exercises with correct form and technique.

PE 196+主题肚皮舞:2学分.

Students will understand the basic movements of the art of Belly Dancing and will be able to demonstrate these movements in a fluid motion